We’re excited to have a small role in the USGBC’s Greenbuild 2017 conference in Boston.
Cool Choices & Inpro at Greenbuild
One of our long-standing partners, Inpro, invited us to collaborate with them on an engagement program at the conference. Essentially attendees can earn points (and win prizes, of course!) for their sustainable practices while at Greenbuild.
For Inpro, the partnership was a way to illustrate their deep commitment to sustainability. Over the last few years Inpro has implemented two Cool Choices programs with their employees and they are also participating in our county-wide community program in Waukesha County. Inpro has the special distinction of being our client with the highest participation rates in a manufacturing setting; we were delighted to partner with them on this new effort.
For Cool Choices, a conference-level program is a great opportunity to illustrate the power of our platform as an engagement tool. By making sustainable practices fun, social and easy, we motivate conversations that both influence actions and change perceptions.
Some folks who were familiar with our platform formed teams quickly and have already started the trash talk.
Others—new to the platform—might be surprised by how competitive participants become as they compete to make more cool choices than their peers. Really, that’s the beauty of our program: we leverage core insights into human behavior to motivate sustainable practices, essentially using positive reinforcement to change how people use energy (and other resources), inspiring them to see themselves and their peers as heroes in our shared quest for more sustainable practices.
If you’re attending Greenbuild I hope you’ll play Cool Choices and I hope your participation will inspire you to think differently about how to engage building occupants in our collective efforts to green buildings and whole communities.
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