Competition Heats Up as 200+ Franklin Energy Employees Make Cool Choices

fe_logo_tagline_cmyk_tmEmployees at Franklin Energy are in week 5 of their 6-week game-based sustainability program and we’re impressed by Franklin Energy employees’ commitment to sustainability. Competing as teams, they’ve taken more than 3,700 sustainable actions to earn points and win prizes.

The vast majority of Franklin participants, for example, were able to claim points for making the cool choice to “replace 85% of household incandescent bulbs with LEDs.”  Other sustainable actions in the Cool Choices program include carpooling, eating meatless meals, using the stairs instead of the elevator and many more.

“I’m not surprised that Franklin staff are fast accumulating points for their cool choices,” said Kathy Kuntz, executive director of Cool Choices. “Franklin Energy has been a consistent advocate for energy efficiency for more than two decades and it’s clear that Franklin staff walk that talk. It will be interesting to see—after the game—how Franklin’s savings compare to other entities.”

Participants in Cool Choices can claim points for both new actions and the behaviors participants were already doing before the game. After every program ends Cool Choices staff provide a summary of estimated program impacts that delineates new savings separate from savings associated with existing actions.

“We have a highly engaged team at Franklin,” said Dan Tarrence, Executive Vice President “and it’s been fun to see folks competing around sustainability. Cool Choices really makes being green fun and social.”

The Cool Choices team sends our encouragement to Franklin Energy employees as their sustainable actions continue to add up in the final stretch of their game.

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