Only change is constant.

Humans have acknowledged this since Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, in 500 BC. And yet we’re still surprised and discombobulated by the unexpected.

We’ve been talking a lot about change since the US Presidential election. After a year of important international progress on climate action, the US seems poised to pivot back into inaction, at least at the federal government level.

When friends ask me if Trump’s election means the end to our work at Cool Choices I am clear: “Definitely not!” I explain that the entities we work with see bottom-line benefits in sustainability. Saving resources reduces operating costs, which increases profitability. Customers prefer companies that demonstrate good stewardship and increasingly shareholders do too, because it mitigates risk. Being sustainable also helps companies recruit and retain top talent, an issue that will affect more and more industries in the coming decade. While the international agreements are critical, I explain, much of the current action—at least in the US—is spurred by self-interest.

When friends ask me if Trump’s election means the end to our work at Cool Choices I am clear: “Definitely not!”

It makes sense to minimize wasted resources regardless of who is president. And companies will continue to compete for customers and skilled employees too. As a result, leading entities will continue to look for ways to engage their employees around corporate sustainability initiatives and Cool Choices will continue to offer fun, social and easy strategies that make sustainability the new normal.

Cool Choices was privileged to work with a variety of leading companies in 2016 and we look forward to more amazing partnerships in 2017.

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