Learn how our game-based sustainability programs work to increase sustainable habits and decrease bottom lines.

Cool Choices is now licensing its platform to other entities that offer games as part of their broader efforts. If you are interested in playing Cool Choices you can work with one of our trusted partners.

To learn more about purchasing your own license, contact jessy@wisconsinsustainability.com

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Cool Choices program participants earn points for the sustainable actions they take at work and at home, inspiring new actions and ideas that reinforce the organization’s sustainability goals.

Earn Points for Making “Cool Choices”

Our game-based sustainability programs utilize our online platform to make being more sustainable easy and fun – bike to work and earn 30 points! The team-based program makes it socially compelling, thus facilitating conversations and peer collaboration.

cool choices sustainability program earn points
sustainability enthusiasm up operating costs down

As Enthusiasm for Sustainability Goes Up, Operating Costs Go Down

From Fortune 500 companies to local units of government, our partners have inspired employees and community members via the Cool Choices program to make new sustainable actions that reduce energy, water, and fuel consumption part of their daily routine – a routine which saves money and reduces emissions.

sustainability enthusiasm up operating costs down

Insightful Data on Participation Rates & Sustainable Impacts

Clients receive real-time access to participation data, plus post-program impact reports that detail financial and environmental benefits. The data identifies trends in sustainable practices, as well as new leaders within the community – all the stuff you need to know to take your efforts even further!

sustainability program data participation rates impacts

The Cool Choices platform allows for customization and branding, which drives specific outcomes that align with your organization’s goals.

Increase Participation

Cool Choices increases participation rates and creates a “buzz” about your existing sustainability efforts via customized actions.

Learn about a pilot program where we identified high energy users and encouraged them to participate in efficiency programs.

Identify New Sustainability Leaders

Our program data analytics enable you to identify emergent leaders within and across participant segments. In fact, many clients use program data to identify and recruit new green team members.

Accelerate Goal Achievements

Customize Cool Choices to educate participants about current organizational sustainability goals or protocols. Some clients have experienced as many as 75% of participants reviewing company CSR goals with our program – greatly expanding awareness of these initiatives.

Integrate Safety, CSR, and Other Priorities

Integrate volunteerism, safety, or other key objectives into your custom Cool Choices program to broaden effort and appeal to all stakeholder segments. For example, adding a “Quality” category enabled one client to focus participants on product waste mitigation.

Enhance Brand Loyalty

Customize Cool Choices so your story is front and center. Include actions that solicit your brand’s unique stories, and share the results via your social media or other channels to inspire and inform customers, clients, and stakeholders of your corporate sustainability efforts.

Maximize Results

Whatever your priorities, we can customize a program that ensures your organization’s success.

Cool Choices program results report financial savings and emissions reductions – and other stuff, like shifts in sustainability commitments and perceptions, and the emergence of sustainability leaders in your organization.

We’re committed to Real Results

Thousands of people across hundreds of organizations have participated in Cool Choices sustainability engagement programs. Our proprietary approach distinguishes between pre-existing sustainable actions and new sustainable actions inspired by the program – so you understand the full story.

real sustainability results upward trend
cool choices platform dashboard reporting

Unique Reporting Measures Actions and Attitudes

In addition to data relevant to the sustainable actions program participants took, we also provide data to help you understand how participant perspectives on sustainability shifted during the program. You won’t have to wonder if your efforts reached hearts and minds, because we provide the data in our Cool Choices program results!

Program Data at Your Fingertips

Our elegant dashboard and platform design give you real-time access to not only data, but all of the photos, stories, and sustainability ideas generated by your participants.

Verified Results

Making Cool Choices for Sustainability: Testing the Effectiveness of a Game-Based Approach to Promoting Pro-Environmental Behaviors

UW Madison Psychology professor Markus Brauer led a team examining the effectiveness of the Cool Choices model both in achieving energy savings and in shifting attitudes toward sustainability.

Read his 2017 study, published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology.

Cool Choices sustainablity engagement program verified results

Verified Energy Savings Reports

Sustainable Fox Valley

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View Report

The Energy Center of Wisconsin used control group data to estimate electric savings for a school-based Cool Choices program where participants saved an average of 2.1% of usage.

Milwaukee Fire Department

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View Report

The Energy Center of Wisconsin compared electric usage at participating and non-participating fire stations, finding net savings of 6.6% of electric usage.

Miron Construction

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View Report

The Energy Center of Wisconsin did a comprehensive post-program impact analysis using a baseline survey, mid-program interviews, program data, a post-program survey, utility billing analysis and post-program interviews with select participants. The Center found mean electric savings of 6% of usage.

Related Research

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Find and Flip: Motivating High Energy Users to Save Energy

Prepared by Cool Choices and the Energy Center of Wisconsin with funding from Focus on Energy.

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Leaders in Efficiency: ENERGY STAR Buildings in Wisconsin

A Cool Choices report produced in conjunction with the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council and the Great Plains Institute.


Get to Know Cool Choices

Want a deeper understanding of how Cool Choices sustainability engagement programs for businesses and communities work? We offer two free on-demand webinars, first explaining the theory behind our system along with a quick demo and then the second demonstrating the basics of platform administration. To learn more about licensing the platform, contact us.


Cool Choices: A Quick Intro

cool choices sustainability program intro webinar

In this webinar, we discuss the theories behind our program and show you how the platform works for participants.

Cool Choices: Platform Administration

cool choices sustainability program platform demo webinar

In this webinar, we provide a quick overview of the administrative side of our platform.

Think Cool Choices might be the right tool for your organization or Community? We offer a free live demo for you to try. Simply click the button below, register, and enjoy. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.