Accelerating Action

Addressing climate change means inspiring people to do things differently—to bike to work, eat less red meat and trade in the SUV for an electric car. That means sustainability advocates need to influence people to do things differently. Cool Choices can help you motivate change more effectively.

Keep It Simple

Climate change is complicated so it’s important to make acting to mitigate climate change easy. We help you frame opportunities in ways that facilitate action.

Celebrate the Good Stuff

It’s human nature to notice when folks do something wrong. Scolding, though, isn’t an effective way to make change happen. Instead we help you focus on the bright spots and use positive reinforcement to accelerate adoption of sustainable practices.

Leverage Social Norms

People take cues from their peers all the time, especially in new situations. Understanding social norms enables you to accelerate change across communities.

Give Useful Feedback

If you want people to change you have to let them know how they are doing, the progress they are making. Cool Choices can help you set up feedback systems that motivate both participants and non-participants to do more faster to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.