Rules of the Game


Form teams and compete against your coworkers to take the greatest number of sustainable actions (“cool choices”). Share the actions you’re taking by playing cards in the game; earn points, win prizes, learn and share tips, post photos, save money and help the environment by taking part in this online sustainability game.


  1. A game of Cool Choices lasts for 6 or 8 weeks.
  2. Form or join a team when you register. You must be on a team to play.
  3. Log in and play Cool Choices daily from your desktop, laptop, or mobile device.
  4. Play on weekends too.
  5. Watch for increases in the number of cards you can play.
    (The number will increase to 4 cards / day as the game progresses.)
  6. Cards that indicate “replay” can be played over and over during the game.
    Some cards are marked “one time only” and may also be available for a limited time.
  7. Team Standings are determined by number of total actions.
    Individual Standings are determined by number of total points.